
Archive for January, 2009


Since I am currently a teacher, I just received a nice, healthy break  during the holiday season.  I am extremely grateful for that opportunity to recharge my batteries, go on a 2nd honeymoon, and see lots of friends. I feel I have some real momentum going into the rest of the year now.

But perhaps the most significant thing I did, next to the honeymoon, was apply to seminary.

Even before I thought about teaching High School, I had been thinking about being a Bible teacher. Yet, it’s not quite as simple to become a good Bible teacher as a school teacher.

For one, there is a spiritual qualification necessary to becoming a Bible teacher.  I didn’t feel (and I know this sounds subjective) qualified spiritually, right out of college, to become a Bible teacher.  There were elements to my own life that were too inexperienced and uncertain, as much as I knew I loved teaching the Bible.  A good teacher-preacher has to be very spiritually secure in order to be consistently used by God on a weekly basis to preach and teach the Word.

Two, I didn’t want to be unmarried going into seminary.  It is hard enough being a man who is young in a place of spiritual authority in a church; I didn’t want to have to do it all alone.  Thank Providence I found such a wonderful woman who encourages me and helps me each day!

Three, I needed to know Biblical languages.  For me, this is a daunting undertaking.  I do not memorize things well.  Even when I played piano, which I love, my teacher told me I was always the last one to memorize the pieces I was learning before a recital.  Thankfully, I will have some time this summer in-between the time I finish teaching High School and (Lord willing) begin Seminary during which I will (a) still be receiving a paycheck and (b) will be able to spend a lot of time teaching myself some beginning languages.

So it is my prayer that God will open a door for me to serve him in this way.  Ultimately, I don’t know if I would just stay in Washington and teach or perhaps God may send me to another country; but if he does either, I would be prepared to do his work after I complete my education. For those of you who are interested, I have applied only to Northwest Baptist Seminary (at this point).  Please pray for me if you think about it.  I know it is a a rigorous task to earn a Master of Divinity.  I hope to do so in three years.

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